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Nebraska State Elks Association

Your State President, Cynamon Eshleman - North Platte Lodge #985, welcomes you to the Nebraska State Elks Association website.
Thanks for visiting. Cynamon

Husker Elks Facebook page

Heartland Elks - Nebraska
Conference Information
Kearney NE
April 25th thru April 27th
Log on to view the conference details

2024 Elks National Convention - Nebraska Delegation in Austin, TX - July 2024

Click on the image to enlarge to view the entire delegation. Use horizontal scroll bar to move photo to the left or right.

Larry Bratt - 2024 National Mulholland Flag Charge Contest Champion
Congratulations, Larry!
James McQuilan, PGER, State Sponsor & Larry Bratt
May 1, 2024 - Youth Proclamation Signing
A small group of Elks led by State President Larry Bratt, Past State President Jane Berggren and others recently attended a Proclamation signing at the State Capital in Lincoln.
Governor Jim Pillen stated that All of Nebraska Elk Lodges observe Elks National Youth Week From May 1st to the 7th 2024.

View the Proclamation document

Past Exalted Ruler Harry Montag - #80; Larry Jurgens - #80; EJ Corretjer - #604; Past State President Jane Berggren - #604; Governor Jim Pillen; Jack Divas & Marty Divas - #1195 and State President Larry Bratt, #80.
Back: (L - R) Ken Ward-Coach, Jim Thompson-Esquire, Bill Foster-Inner Guard, Barry Hopkins-Chaplain-Coach, Troy Eckhart-Candidate
Front: (L - R) Kim Thompson-Lecturing Knight, Terri Maloy-Leading Knight, Jeremy Brandt-Exalted Ruler, Linda Hopkins-Loyal Knight
20/20 Jim McQuillan Harry Montag Larry Schwindt Laurie Montag Larry Bratt Nancy Kennedy Ken Priesner Keith Nielson Roxie Nielson Larry Jurgens Vicki Jurgens Jeremy Brandt Dawn Brandt Adam Berlin Chandra Berlin Robert Kluge Jeff Sanders Denise Sanders Troy Eckhart Therese McQuillan Barry Hopkins Michael Smith Terri Maloy Steve Woodward Dana Ernst Jane Berggren Jim Thompson Julie Rothfuss Kent Rothfuss Anita Pennel Gerald Pennel Kim Thompson Judith Kluge Laurie Wrage Angelyn Nienhuser Scott Nienhuser Dennis Berggren Michael Ohren Marcy Ohren Roger Lampe Dixie Franzen Jason Bartman Susan Bartman Barbara Jungren Dahl Jungren Karen Tinkham Bruce Tinkham Linda Hopkins

2025 Scholarship Winners

The scholarship winners have been selected and announced.
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Members All

In my year as I was presenting my reasonings for wanting to become 3rd Vice President. I had several BUT the main one was and still is membership. We as members need to go out and recruit.. Don’t be afraid to shout out what we are doing in our communities, and lets crawl out from under those bushes and go all out. Lets work for a plus 1 with each lodge. I know this is hard work but don’t let that stop you and stay dedicated to what the Elks are all about.

Congratulations to all the lodges and members for their recognitions. At Grand Lodge a special recognition to Kearney Lodge member Dana Ernst for the Marvin M Lewis award winner with the Boy Scouts. Also to Bill Koller for state chairman of the year award, for drug awareness. Your dedication to the programs of the Order can not be forgotten--Thanks.

For those members that couldn’t attend the spring convention I presented to the association my message after installation. The message was still my goal on membership and needing to grow. I also thanked a very special person in my life. PSP Dennis Garrels was my pro-poser and mentor. He is a part of my Elks family that helped me get to where I am today as your state president. I also need to mention that my husband Dennis had a very big part in helping me get to this point. His standing behind me in decisions and his drive to keep me going.

Finally remember to assume your roles in our Elks family and to nurture our new and existing members in Elkdom. Your guidance and support to your Lodge and our Association can help us grow and accomplish many things.

Hope to see everyone in August for fall conference.

Jane Berggren, PDDGER State President
